California Cape Dory Owners Association
CCDO Logbook
Here's the table of contents of our scrapbook of past events. Click
on the links to join our merry band in some of the places we've visited
around the San Francisco Bay Area.
1997 Float-In.
Annual CCDO Rendezvous: It was great! The largest collection of Cape
Dory boats on the West Coast in recent memory - 11 vessels, at the guest
docks of the Encinal Yacht Club in Alameda, August 10 and 11, 1996.
Our April Fool's Float-In, and check out two neat San Francisco Bay
destinations. You'll get a good look at some of our Cape Dory boats and
owners, and learn about two islands you can visit, each with a unique museum
and boat docks! We hit them both (in more ways than one) on March 30-31,
The CCDO Photo Gallery has some of our oldest
photos, from the Second Annual Rendezvous in Martinez, California in August