Page last updated December 9, 2004 
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Download Tide Tool Source

  1. This source code distribution is untested (the distribution, not the code) and unsupported. 

  2. The code wasn't really written with the intention that other people should be able to read and modify it. The code for generating the databases is a horrible kludge.  (But if you think this is bad, you should see my desk.)

  3. If you are thinking of incorporating Tide Tool source into a proprietary, commercially licensed product and getting rich, stop right there. The program, including the source code, is copyrighted, licensed free software under the GNU Public License.  It is NOT public domain.  There are specific restrictions on its use, the major ones being that anything you produce with it can’t be a proprietary product, and is itself subject to the GPL terms including being freely distributed and source code availability.

If all that seems reasonable, go ahead and download source for Tide Tool 2.2 (321,927 bytes, posted Dec. 9, 2004)