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updated August 2, 2008
Email Walt?
Got a Tide Tool question?
READ THE FAQ first. Please. People send me five to ten
questions a day. Almost all of them are answered in the
So please read the FAQ first. Read
the instructions too.
If you are asking about Tide Tool for a non-Palm device - iPhone,
Blackberry, Windows mobile, whatever
- read the FAQ, or you risk a
rude answer as I get asked this about once per day. |
If your question is still unanswered, then email
Got an interesting use for
Tide Tool?
I'd really like to hear about it. Email me using
this link. But if you have a question, please READ
THE FAQ first. See below.
Just want to make a comment?
Sure, email
me - if you're sure it's a comment and not a question, in which
case see the paragraphs above.
- Walt Bilofsky