Tide Tool is a freeware program which computes tides and currents on the U.S. Robotics PalmPilot. | |
I host and maintain the Tiburon Yacht Club website. | |
"You can never be too rich (owning a boat
usually takes care of that), too thin, or have too much storage on your
Here's how we found lots of new storage space on our Cape Dory 30 powerboat. |
In March 2002 I visited Robinhood Marine in Robinhood, Maine, and met Andy Vavolotis, who built the Cape Dorys and is now building the similar line of Robinhood boats. Here's some photos of that visit. |
As a member and past Commodore of the California Cape Dory Owners Association, I maintain our Web site, which includes a message board for all Cape Dory sail and powerboat owners. | |
In 1994, the rec.boats hierarchy of newsgroups selected this burgee by vote of newsgroup members. I was the source of these for a couple of years; that's now handled by Peter Meek. | |
Boaters from around the world have swapped burgees and other nautical items for rec.boats burgees. You can view these items and the stories behind them at the rec.boats International On-Line Museum. | |
(By the way, some folks have pinched this line of signal flags for their own web sites. Feel free, but a credit and a link back would be appreciated.) | Back to Walt's home page. |